Your website statistics

Website statistics of: 


Currently, 3 visitors are online
Total visitors: 485,628
Of 121,598 (25%) returning visitors
Total page views: 3,469,453
Last page request 2024.10.22 14:52:12
Current server time 2024.10.22 14:53:19
Charts display settings - show:
Languages October 2024
4,606 x
484 x
298 x
36 x
16 x
14 x
10 x
10 x
9 x
9 x
More... 56 x
Total: 5548 x

Current hour (14 o'clock)

Visitors access: 11 Page views: 199
Of 8 (73%) new visitors and 3 (27%) returning visitors

Current day (Tuesday 22. October)

Visitors: 223 Page views: 1,517
Of 161 (72%) new visitors and 62 (28%) returning visitors

Current month (October)

Visitors: 7,090 Page views: 49,373
Of 5,614 (79%) new visitors and 1,476 (21%) returning visitors

Current year (2024)

Visitors: 107,280 Page views: 722,079
Of 75,012 (70%) new visitors and 32,268 (30%) returning visitors